Being Indigo and an Archangel Message!

Hello lovely people,

I know that it’s been a while since I have been on here and written a post and I do apologize for that. Things have been a tiny bit crazy for me and I haven’t made time to sit down and write like I want to. 

So since my last post, I discovered that I, like probably quite a few of you, am an Indigo Child. Now, I know that some people think it’s fashionable to call themselves ‘crystal children’, ‘indigo children’, ‘empathic’ and all of that jazz just for attention and I assure you that is not the case here. In fact it’s the exact opposite. I resisted even thinking about being an Indigo Child, not saying it’s bad but I just didn’t want to have something else to work on to add to me growing list of things. 

I guess Spirit/The Universe/whatever had other plans for me though. I was guided to an article about Indigo Children and said “what the hell let me read this and just see what it’s about”. I was amazed at how I resonated with it! Indigos are super strong willed and we prefer to do things our on way instead of the way our parents and authority would like us to (CHECK! haha). Indigo people also diagnosed with ADD or ADHD which ‘checks’ another box for me. Our brains move faster and can process information faster so we tend to space the hell out when people are talking to us. These are just a few characteristics of Indigo children/people, however, there are tons more! But this leads us to the ‘let’s sit and chat for a spell’ part of the post. 

Indigo Card Talk

Using my ‘Indigo Angels Oracle Cards’, I asked what I was supposed to talk about today as I was shuffling and got the ‘Time to Create’ card.

We have 2 meanings for this and I want to go through both of them with you.

Meaning 1: You have been putting off something that you are called to do. Just because the card features an artist doesn’t mean you have to go paint a mural. What has your soul been calling you to do? What is that yearning you have in your heart? It’s time. Now. This is your sign if you have been looking for it. You don’t need to know the why or the how behind what you are called to do, let The Universe handle that. Just say “I am ready” and that will set the wheels in motion for you to get the guidance, support, and power you need to do whatever it is you need to. Just remain open to ANY guidance that you get even if it is to go to Target at 9:30 at night haha, you never ever know what may happen and who you might meet or what may happen!

Meaning 2: If you are an Indigo, you have pent up feelings and aggression, which is normal but you need to channel them into something creative. Buy a coloring book, paint a picture, write, dance, sing, anything. We as Indigos have such a hard time focusing on one specific task a seeing it through ( I call it ‘Shiny Syndrome’) because we are always onto the next task before one is completely finished. Archangel Metatron is the ‘keeper’, if you will, of us Indigo people and can also help us in any aspect of our lives to stay true to ourselves and to our spiritual gifts. This leads me to the next part of this post.

Spiritual Gifts and Being Indigo

If you are like me, you grew up in the Bible Belt and anything supernatural was of the Devil. Now I want to preface with the fact that I only had one Supernatural experience that I remember during childhood, there wasn’t a moment of being told “you can’t use this gift because you will go to hell” nor was there any suppressing of any Psychic ability. However, if you went through that, I am terribly sorry. I had a slightly different experience where anything supernatural (other that a guy healing people and rising from the dead to save you from going to a place that doesn’t exist so that an organization can get your money) was discouraged from the get-go. I remember always being intrigued by the world of the supernatural though, from Greek Mythology to my first tv Psychic Sylvia Browne (RIP) I was hooked. I felt a kindredness with the otherworldly things even among warnings that it was wrong. The reason I bring this up is that it has caused me some issues now that I am an adult in fully submersing myself into anything Spiritual until about a year ago maybe. Since we are Indigos, if our gifts aren’t nurtured or accepted, we can shut them down easily, and this isn’t what we need to do, especially now when are so needed in this world to be the bright lights that we are. If you find yourself in this position, all you have to do is ask Archangel Metatron to help you slowly open yourself up to your gifts. That’s it. He will help you without hesitation. 

Metatron Message

When I asked Metatron for a message he said this: “I am always here. It takes only a whisper and you will feel my presence. Beloved Indigo, I have been blessed with the ability to watch over you and help you down your life’s journey. I will never leave any of you, but will never be able to intervene without you inviting me to. I respect you, brave one, for choosing to come into this world bearing gifts that others dream of to heal, uplift, and change the energy of everyone you meet and of the planet on which you live. You are special, and you are who the world needs. For we need those that see no color or division, to rise up and remain in their gifts to help raise others up to bring unity to all you see. You are loved.”

I hope you have found this useful, please let me know in the comments!



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